Tax Law Switzerland – l▷ in Switzerland | Zurich Bern Basel Geneva Lausanne Lugano St.Gallen Zug | Divorce Lawyers / Tax, Banking, Inheritance, Patent, Property Law Attorneys

Tax Law Switzerland

Thanks to low corporate taxes, Switzerland remains a tax haven for companies as well as the very wealthy individuals.
Here you will find lawyers who specialize in tax law and are prepared to provide strategic advice to their clients on a wide range of tax related legal disputes. Be it Swiss or in international complex corporate tax and VAT issues.

According to the OECD, the Swiss are left with a lot of extra money after deducting government taxes from their wages.  The burden of taxes and social security contributions on employees in Switzerland is still one of the lowest in comparison with other Western industrialized countries.
Tax Revenue
The Swiss federal government, the cantons and the municipalities levy around 30 different taxes. Altogether, they generate more than 130 billion Swiss francs per year.
From a tax perspective, the most important tax revenues for the cantons and municipalities are clearly direct taxes, i.e. primarily taxes on income and assets of natural persons and taxes on profits and capital of legal entities (around 90% of total tax revenues). The federal administration also taxes income and profits, but to a lesser extent than the cantons. The federal government generates most of its revenue from consumption taxes, primarily value-added tax.
Assets Taxation: All cantons and municipalities also tax wealth if it exceeds a certain size. However, the tax rate and the exemption limit vary from canton to canton. As a matter of fact, many people do not pay wealth tax.
Taxation of the ownership of securities
Domestic and foreign securities are subject to wealth tax, and the income derived from them is subject to tax. Any capital gains on shares and bonds are tax-exempt as long as they are privately owned and as long as the investor does not classify himself as a professional investor. Interest on savings accounts and bonds as well as dividend payments, subscription rights in the event of capital increases and bonus shares are subject to income tax.
Securities and gains must be listed on the “Securities List” form of the tax return. If income in the form of interest was generated with securities, this is subject to withholding tax.
Swiss Foreign Income Tax, Tax on Dividends, Property Tax, Swiss Capital Gains Taxation, Switzerland Tax on Stocks, Investment Income Tax, Salary Tax, Crypto Tax

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